Before I started coaching with Liz, I felt lost, helpless, and unsure about my direction in life. My self-esteem was low, and I didn’t know where to start. Liz provided a completely safe, non-judgemental space where I felt free to be open and honest. The sessions were tailored perfectly to my needs, and Liz’s wealth of knowledge meant that everything she suggested worked for me.

Since starting coaching, I’ve seen tangible changes in my life. One of my main concerns was my relationship with alcohol, which had been holding me back. With Liz’s support, I’ve been sober for over six months now and feel stronger than ever. I truly can’t recommend her enough. This process has been practical, achievable, and so worthwhile—so much more than just looking at the past like conventional therapy often does. Working with Liz has been life-changing, and I would 100% recommend her to anyone seeking clarity and personal growth.

Jess, Liverpool, UK

I’m a therapist and I know how coaching and therapy works and I was worried you’d be a head-on-side- ‘How does that make you feel?’-er and I would want to punch you. I like you as a person and I loved how real you were with me and how I could be myself without worrying if you were judging me. Since working with you, I feel as though I know my inner landscape better and I feel less alone with my struggles. I’ll often hear your lovely northern voice pop up into my head asking straight to the heart of it questions about what I’m doing and why. I would definitely recommend your coaching. You’re like a Northern, amazon warrior queen and I would follow you into battle. You’re real, and funny and inspiring without being a cliché and I love what you offer to the world.

Lyndsay, Cambridge, UK

I sought out Liz’s coaching mostly because I felt my life, until now, was a little directionless and disjointed. I was jumping from job to job, not really knowing what I enjoyed doing (or how to find a passion), wasn’t at all successful in my relationships and seemed to be blaming everything and everyone for whatever bad luck fell into my life. I also had this unhealthy habit of always looking at what others were doing in their lives, where they were career-wise etc. comparing it to mine and feeling envious. I was hoping for clarity of mind from our sessions and to develop more confidence. I wanted a straight talker, someone who wouldn’t skirt around the issues I was facing, or feed me the classic BS you often get from other types of coaches. In fact it was that direct, no nonsense but kind nature of Liz’s that first attracted me to her, amongst all the other coaches I considered. As our sessions have now concluded, I can honestly say my expectations have been met, and then some. The biggest strength I feel I’ve developed from our work together is a new-found sense of caring less about what other people are doing, and using that as a measure against my own life. Liz taught me that just being me is enough, that I do not need to achieve these self- created beliefs where I felt I needed an excellent career, a beautiful wife, kids, fancy car and house etc. in order to obtain happiness or self-worth. I love Liz’s honesty, above everything else. She is direct, but also talks from the heart – she wants to get to know her clients, and genuinely and passionately strives to help. She gets you to think, and has this unique ability to tap into an individual to extract whatever is plaguing them. The biggest result to come from this, is that I feel more confident now. It’s a work in progress still, but just by shedding this overly protective nature, the burden of constantly looking at how others are living their lives, has freed me and my mind immeasurably. The confidence was created by just removing this persistent cloud that hovered over me, that was impacting me moving forward with my life. Liz, I am forever grateful for all you have done; you are a superstar!

Hemant, Middlesex, UK
I would absolutely 10000% recommend coaching with Liz. My work with her has led to life changing (literally) results. Coming to coaching, I felt overwhelmed at work and was struggling with imposter syndrome. Generally, things felt chaotic in life and I needed some clarity and help to organise my thoughts. Liz is so lovely and really easy to speak to. Without judgement, she listened to everything and made me feel at ease, reminding me that it’s perfectly normal to feel the way I was and backed that up with knowledge about why people may feel that way. I feel that I have got so much out of my coaching sessions with Liz, my self esteem has improved a great deal, I have changed my working pattern, I am not afraid to share ideas at work and finally feel like I am not hiding anymore. I am less afraid of what people might say! I actually smile and start conversations, rather than nervously looking at my phone wanting to disappear into the background. I cant thank you enough for our sessions, Liz. My life has improved drastically.
Rachel, Stockport, UK
Before working with you Liz, I was feeling utterly hopeless with a lack of direction and sense of purpose. Throughout our work together, it felt like I was talking to a wise friend. You had the right balance of professionalism, insight, knowledge and compassion and humour, that worked perfectly for me. You gave me time to think and answer and ponder questions and put a lot of things of my life in perspective. I am truly grateful. I would recommend coaching and you in particular wholeheartedly. I think all people should have a guardian angel like you to guide them through complicated times in their lives. Someone who is objective, kind and simply there to help you, to listen to you, to give you personal and tailored advice and to tell you when to get a grip. The overall experience gave me back my confidence, changed my perspective and has set me off down a road I know I should be on. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Larissa, London, UK
I came to life coaching as a result of feeling that I had lost the power of joy in my life. I needed to have hope in a brighter emotional future. I believed this was simply the next stage in a “life after grief” process. It has become so much more than that, a much broader and deeper exploration of self. My faith in Liz’s expertise and style is now so confirmed that I can comfortably say that I believe this is an ongoing and potentially life long learning experience and so areas ‘missed’ can always be revisited. I think her style is mentor, teacher, intellectual partner and kick arse instructor particularly when the going gets really tough. Through working with Liz, I have been able to participate in an incredibly valuable, challenging agenda identifying a much broader and deeper knowledge of myself, my motivations and my goals. I would definitely recommend life coaching to others but only if you’re willing and able to be open, brave and honest with yourself. (Because she will seek you out if you’re not!)
Elizabeth, Shropshire, UK

I came to life coaching as a result of feeling that I had lost the power of joy in my life. I needed to have hope in a brighter emotional future. I believed this was simply the next stage in a “life after grief” process. It has become so much more than that, a much broader and deeper exploration of self. My faith in Liz’s expertise and style is now so confirmed that I can comfortably say that I believe this is an ongoing and potentially life long learning experience and so areas ‘missed’ can always be revisited. I think her style is mentor, teacher, intellectual partner and kick arse instructor particularly when the going gets really tough. Through working with Liz, I have been able to participate in an incredibly valuable, challenging agenda identifying a much broader and deeper knowledge of myself, my motivations and my goals. I would definitely recommend life coaching to others but only if you’re willing and able to be open, brave and honest with yourself. (Because she will seek you out if you’re not!)

Annie, Suffolk, UK
I was skeptical about life coaching before I started with Liz – I didn’t actually think it would make a difference but I could not have been more wrong. I was feeling very stagnant in my life and job, and wanted a change. I knew roughly what I wanted to do but couldn’t find the courage and motivation to do it. I needed to feel like there was hope and capacity in my life to alter my path, and to feel in control again. Liz was so great at pin-pointing areas that she felt would help me move forward. The direction she took was always tailored according to my needs and goals. Delving into my past and upbringing, societal influences that made me feel the way I did, helped me realise why I was limiting myself. Addressing all of this made me feel so free. I now feel like I’m living in the present. Coaching has helped me grow and take ownership of my life and career. So liberating!
Maheen, London, UK
I started working with Liz when going through quite a transition in my life, and the sessions were invaluable in giving me a good old reality check, shedding my previous (corporate!) self and transformational in keeping me steady and going when finding my own voice and forging my new path. And Liz does it with such lightness of touch and laughter that you sometimes don’t even fully realise the impact until you realise you’re doing something differently a week later and thinking ah….Liz nailed that and I didn’t even notice at the time.
Natasha, Portugal
I met Liz during a time when my career was at a crossroads. Conflicted over momentous career change from the private to the public sector, she helped me navigate my anxieties around this decision. She has this perfect mix of directness, empathy, positivity, and humor, encouraging deep reflection, and is unafraid of asking hard questions. Through our work, I found a new role that perfectly fits into my life purpose. She led me to embrace my passion, and I’m forever grateful for her support and direction.
Anthony, Brooklyn, USA
A few months on from our sessions and life’s really changed for the better. It’s as though when we worked together, we prepared the ground, did all the hard work and planted seeds for future success and now everything’s blooming and fabulous! Your coaching challenged me in ways I didn’t even know I needed challenging and helped me to identify thinking patterns which had held me back for years. One of the things I loved most about working with you was your total lack of bullshit! That you never promised I’d become a superwoman or an overnight financial success. What I’ve come away with is much better; a new-found kindness to myself, an understanding of how I function and dramatically improved self-belief. Thank you!
Heidi, Cambridgeshire, UK
Liz is an incredible coach! We worked together for the last 2 years and within those 2 years I have seen a profound change in myself, my life and my business. Liz immediately made me feel understood, helped me simplify things that felt complicated in my brain, and helped me take steps forward in so many areas of life. I decided to meet with Liz after reading through her website and seeing how down to earth, straight-shooting, funny and kind she is, and that was exactly how she was in our sessions too. I left every single session feeling a massive impact and weight lifted off my shoulders. No matter what we were working on, Liz encouraged me to stay true to myself, be brave in my life and work, and take massive steps outside of my comfort zone. Can’t thank you enough, Liz!
Ash, London, UK
Even though I am a trained therapist with a decent level of self-awareness, I had been getting in my own way for a while with various issues. I’d recently encountered some big changes in my career, and just didn’t feel I had the confidence or ability to meet them. I knew coaching would help and after coming across Liz’s website I knew this was exactly the thing for me. I knew I had to make sense of the stuff that was holding me back – Liz helped me to clarify it, name it, and eventually shift it. It’s been transformational for me and her work is nothing short of exceptional.
Nina, London, UK
My life coaching sessions with Liz were incredibly meaningful and impactful to me. Right from our first session I felt a “click” with her. She asked excellent questions to better understand my current situation and did not shy away from offering her guidance on a problem I was facing. Indeed, I got more out of life coaching with Liz than I did in two years of psychotherapy. Liz was completely engaged, warm and conscientious in every session. As just one small example, she would raise thoughts or discussions we had several sessions back that were relevant to what we were discussing now. Liz exemplifies the art of active listening.

Over the course of our work, we got to the root causes of what was causing me to feel “stuck” personally and professionally. I was astounded by the linkages we pieced together that were contributing to negative patterns in my life. We focused on the hard work of how to unlearn these habits and move forward in a healthy way.

I would highly recommend Liz’s services to anyone who wants to better understand themselves and chart a new course in their life, whether it’s in work, relationships, self-care, or other struggles. The investment in yourself will pay dividends like it did for me.

Robert, New York, USA
Coaching with Liz helped me navigate a huge period of transition in my life. Whilst we were working together, I left my corporate job to launch my own coaching business and I gave up alcohol. But so much more than that, I truly found myself. Liz helped me to understand what I was avoiding and where I was holding myself back in my life. I was able to peel away years of filtering and hiding my true self and my true worth. I rediscovered who I was. It meant facing fears and getting uncomfortable and it also meant loving and appreciating the parts of myself that I’d kept hidden: My creative, inspired, unique ‘me-ness’. I loved having Liz as my coach because right from the start I just felt like she got me. She is deeply wise, honest, compassionate and bloody funny with it. I always felt understood, supported and completely safe with her.
Sarah, Brighton, UK
I’m not entirely sure how I found Liz on Google but I remember that it was the first time I came across a website of a life coach that clicked with me immediately. I was trying to find a life coach on a few occasions (after reading numerous self help books etc.) but I was always put off by their online presence. When I saw Liz’s website, I straight away knew I found the right person. I contacted Liz with a very specific objective in mind – I needed someone to help me find my why in life. And 2 months later we did just that. She helped me translate my why into one simple sentence. One sentence that’s encompassing my values and goals in life. One sentence that helps me now in deciding if whatever I’m about to do next is truly in line with who I really am. Liz helped me immensely in this process, knew what questions to ask and how to dig deeper – I couldn’t recommend her more!
Andy, London, UK

Liz has got a gift. Her gift is cutting through the bullshit. She doesn’t come at it with a very prescriptive way of telling you what she thinks you need, without having really listened to where you’re at. Liz is funny, kind, loving and generous spirited. She is tough in a strong and positive way in terms of calling you out on stuff, but not in a ‘coachy’ aggressive way. She’s just so personable and really powerful. I really needed someone who was going to help me move through my own fears and boy oh boy did she do that.

Siobhan, Dorset, UK
My time working with Liz has been nothing short of life changing. Through our relaxed, open and honest sessions, she has helped me find the tools to change toxic thought patterns and behaviours that I have been living with for decades. With her support and encouragement I have gone to those dark places and faced them head on. I feel lighter, more settled and focused than I ever have. I feel confident that I can now move forward, leaving old ‘stuff’ in the past, and am looking to a fulfilling and exciting future. I read a tag line on Liz’s website a while ago that said, “Coaching with me will make you unstoppable” and do you know what? She’s bloody well done it!
Rachel, Horsham, UK
Working with Liz has been life-changing. I have developed new-found resilience, confidence and at long last, an ability to enjoy life. Liz picked up on deep-seated issues that I didn’t even realise existed and helped me to take ownership of those issues to get back to my true self. She has been a rock and so supportive, while simultaneously being honest and promoting what I can do and how. If you’re wobbling in life and need a practical, helping hand, Liz is absolutely the person you need in your corner. I will miss our sessions, but am ever grateful for the person Liz has enabled me to become and for her awesome, down-to-earth and pragmatic personality which never fails to inspire. Thank you Liz for all you do for your clients and for your kick-ass sessions!
Sarah, Worcester, UK
When I started my sessions with Liz I didn’t understand how to live a more meaningful life, I only knew that I wanted one. I didn’t really “get” me, although I really thought I did. I expected answers to be given, solutions presented, a ready-packaged parcel of “Here’s what you need to be doing, now off you go”. Liz didn’t give me solutions, she asked me questions. She made me think about why I felt the frustrations that I did, to try and understand what I honestly and truly needed. It certainly wasn’t a direct path from A to B, more of a meander through unravelling why I thought and did the things I did. Then suddenly and without warning the fog cleared and I could see my way. It was so simple, and yet I had spent so long dismissing what was real for me, in the attempt to become what I assumed I should be, I had lost my way. Liz helped me find my way back to me.
Alison, Surrey, UK
As a result of your coaching I feel like I’ve shed layers. Like leaving off a heavy winter coat, but without feeling the cold. Without the weight of it I can move a bit quicker. I feel more agile. I liked and appreciated your honesty and your energy, the way you shared a bit of yourself, the kindness of your challenge. You asked me things I didn’t have the answer to and I’d never thought about. I’ve learnt loads from your coaching. I look at things from another angle now and often wonder what you would think about stuff. There have been massive benefits from hiring you. I haven’t had to go through this on my own. I always felt you were in my corner (and still do). The changes in my life since coaching with you have been many: Rethinking my future, setting off on a new path, going back to learning, rejoining the world in a better way, not needing to have the answer or be responsible for everything. I would recommend you without hesitation. In fact, I think you ought to be on some sort of prescription.
Karen, Leicestershire, UK
Coming to coaching, I did not really have any massive issues but knew I wanted something to change, and even worse was not even sure what, and so I wondered “how’s this going to help?” Well, the help is Liz and she asks the questions that really get you thinking. Working with her has massively changed the way I think about life. I don’t constantly beat myself up anymore over things that, in the grand scheme of things, just don’t matter! I get up and move on. Before, I was always overthinking and answering to someone who just did not exist, or even care. It’s weird how speaking to someone can do this and make you realise your path in life, but that’s exactly what Liz does. Her way of developing you into you is marvellous. Liz is fun to work with, she is real and true and always present in what we do. If you are like me, thinking “Really? Coaching can’t work!” Do it! Get Liz on your side, it’s more than worth the investment.
Marie, Leicestershire, UK
If I were to describe Liz Goodchild in just one sentence, I would say she’s a question goddess. It’s her innate ability to ask just the right question at just the right time, after listening carefully to your challenge or need, that makes her so. Her poignant, clever and insightful questions uncovers the finest “Aha!” moments of realisation, letting you learn what’s really going on – and what needs to change. And it is a powerful thing, when that realisation reverberates throughout your entire being. Once felt, you can never go against it again. Never underestimate the power of questions. Liz makes you speak your own truth – so you can hear it. Work with Liz if you take yourself seriously. Work with her if you don’t know how to. Even work with her if you think life is pretty good as it is. You’ll discover what really matters, and you’ll get to know powerful depths of your being, that’ll let you streamline how you do things – and what you choose to let go. Through Liz’s coaching I was able to launch myself onto a whole new platform of shining, powerful satisfaction with my true self, my life, and how I live it. And that’s a pretty sweet place to be after all sorts of kerfuffle in the life department. Liz Goodchild is your buddy to reach your sweet spot. An investment of a lifetime.
Hanne, Denmark
Over our nine sessions she was immensely supportive, providing me with a framework in which to work through my ideas and goals. Liz is amazing to have in your corner – she was very helpful in making sure I didn’t just think and talk about what I was going to do, but pushed me to make sure I put things in my calendar so they would actually happen and I could move forward! When I look back at where I was a few months ago to now, I really feel good about the work I’ve been able to do with her help, and I would recommend her to anyone looking for a supportive, *real* coach.
Steph, Kitchener, Canada
First of all Liz is the shit. She knows what she’s doing, she’s a great listener, she keeps you accountable and she makes you laugh, all in the span of an hour. Working with her has made me feel safe, comfortable, secure and more human. I would recommend Liz to anyone. I’m so appreciative of the coaching sessions we had together.
Jodi, Los Angeles, USA
Signing up (for coaching) was admittedly, the biggest first hurdle. I knew something needed to change in my life (and I had known for a while), but the routes ahead felt scary and unknown and my head was a confusion of arguments in every direction. I was nervous to begin coaching, to admit to myself that there was enough of an issue that I needed someone else to help me push forward. I shouldn’t have been worried. It was clear from my first session with Liz that this was going to be a great step in allowing me to sort through the explosion of thoughts spinning in my head. She made me confront my fears and while it took a good few sessions to really admit to myself why I was there, soon enough it became clear to me that the big change I feared was the only way forward. I had rarely sat and opened up to someone impartial, but Liz instantly puts you at ease. She is warm and open and makes you simply feel human and respected for your feelings, when my usual reaction to getting emotional is to just feel silly. She really helped me to take control by asking the right questions, picking my situation apart and understanding why I felt stuck. With her help I regained courage and became clearer and more optimistic in what lay in the possible steps ahead so I could feel confident in making my own decisions to move along. I left every session feeling a little mentally lighter, and with a clearer focus on what I wanted. To have Liz on your journey, looking out for and checking in on you, gives your courage and comfort.
Katy, London, UK
When I came to you I was desperate, heartbroken, lost, scared and confused. I felt like everything in my worId had fallen apart. I didn’t know what I wanted to do and I wasn’t where I thought I ‘should’ be. I had lost sight of all the qualities that made me, me.

You helped to change my outlook on so many things by challenging my thought processes, by breaking them down and pulling them apart. I over analyse a LOT and this is usually what causes me my greatest grievance. You challenged my thinking and, over time, I began to turn my negative feelings into positive grateful ones. I am now more grateful, optimistic and content, on a daily basis, than I have ever been. I have learnt a lot about myself through this process with you. I have learnt to accept myself and embrace myself. Its a wonderful freedom. It’s taken conscious practice at times to be silly, playful and goofy – I’ve got really good at being able to laugh at myself. I can’t thank you enough Liz for your insights, your attitude, your kindness and ability to tap into the areas that I needed to tap into, even when I was unable to identify them myself.

Jessica, Glasgow, UK
Liz, you were a solid, trusted source of support, encouragement, empathy and kindness, and I don’t know how I would have got through it all without you. I’d originally expected coaching to push me into doing more things and taking on new challenges, but what it actually did was teach me to be kind to myself, to slow down, to nourish and take care of myself and to set boundaries. This helped me so much, during such a difficult time. Coaching with you, Liz, has encouraged me to see things differently, and has helped me to change my life in a myriad of tiny ways that have ultimately had a huge impact. I like myself more than I did when we first started working together, I value my time more, and my self-esteem is higher than it’s ever been. Plus, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you, Liz. You are clever, and kind, and funny, and insightful, and just hearing your voice makes me smile. I’d recommend you to anyone.
Jo, Manchester, UK
Working with Liz has been wonderful! Being the skilful coach she is, I felt able to dig deeply into what was going on for me without ever feeling exposed or judged. Liz has the ability to get to the root of the issue and ask just the right questions to open up your mind and challenge your thinking. I looked forward to our sessions together. Liz made me feel we were a team, pulling together to figure stuff out. These past few months have been some of my happiest ever despite facing some full on challenges. Liz was no small part in this. She was there cheering me on from the sidelines, listening, challenging and most of all believing in me. Liz you are a powerhouse of a coach and I’m very fortunate to have found you!
Laura, Manchester, UK
Before I started working with Liz I was effectively sleepwalking through life. I expected the sessions to be her giving me a kick up the backside and pumping me up with positive affirmations. It was absolutely nothing like that (thankfully); It was so much better. The best way I can describe what each session felt like, is to say it was as if Liz turned my head slightly to change my vision/understanding of many aspects of myself and of my life; Things that had weighed heavy on me for years, were seen in a completely different light. From here Liz helped me to work my way through each area (by asking poignant and often uncomfortable questions) and then to see a way forward. At the end of each session I left feeling lighter and with more clarity. I don’t exaggerate when I say she helped me to learn how to live a fuller and happier life. Liz is really easy to work with; She’s insightful, knowledgeable, personable and has a great sense of humour. I just wish I had found her a decade ago.
Emily, Guildford, UK
When I started my sessions with Liz I had a pretty good job, a senior role with decent prospects, but I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t really inspired by what I was doing, going to work was feeling like a chore. This was affecting the rest of my life and I was somewhat going through the motions. I knew that I needed to make a change but I didn’t know what or how. Liz was a great sounding board – in our first few sessions she gave me the practical advice that I needed to get me out of my funk. We were then able to look at what I was really looking for, ‘finding my why’. Working with Liz has been a transformative experience. I’m much happier in the path I’m on and feel so much more in control of my destiny.
Raj, London, UK
Liz was always able to ask exactly the right questions to get me thinking about issues from a new angle. I was able to make connections I simply couldn’t have without her guidance and support – connections that completely changed my approaches to work, relationships and my future. So now I have this new understanding of myself but also the tools and skills to be able to question myself, stand back and see the connections. It makes a difference every day and is something that other people have noticed too.
Frances, London, UK
Working with Liz was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After a break from years of therapy, I contacted Liz as I felt I wanted a different approach (otherwise known as a kick up the ass) and wondered if coaching would be a good next step to get over the slump I had found myself in. Despite my initial fears about coaching Liz had me laughing and working from the outset, challenging every narrative, every avoidance technique and generally fighting my corner with me at every turn. She has enabled me to make the huge changes and decisions I knew I needed to make and even knew I had the answers for, but just couldn’t reach on my own. I can’t thank you enough.
Roma, London, UK
Liz and I have been working together for several months, ostensibly around my professional life, which she is undoubtedly helping with. The work we have been doing and are continuing to do is running much deeper. I was looking for work benefits, I’ve found great personal benefits too. I tend to keep my counsel on things that are important / critical to me, we’ve worked in a way that has let me unpick some of the more personal and private aspects of my character and unload and reload in a way that is bringing both personal and professional benefits. In the last few months I’ve found a reliable outlet for my practical / pragmatic / business conundrums and by happy coincidence also found someone outside of my closest friends and family who gets where I’m coming from and I can speak with openly on any topic, without hesitation.
Karl, West Midlands, UK
Working with Liz has been a chance to put back some (lots of) happiness in my life – answering questions or finding the insights I needed to find back the joy that I had lost, and making sense again of work and love. Liz works with that wild combination of being fun, joyful and warm, but then also deep, insightful and able to gently kick your butt, so you can softly, joyfully, create the change you want to create.
Benoit, London, UK
I have loved my sessions with Liz. I started out with ideas, but also with chaos and confusion in my head and no clear plan of how to get where I wanted. Within the short time we worked together Liz helped me to identify what I really wanted; question a lot of the day to day stuff that wasn’t working and to overcome some specific obstacles that I’d had for many years. Liz has an incredible ability to cut to the heart of an issue, in a kind and gentle way. I felt she was on my side and she understood. I have benefited so much from working with Liz and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
Claire, London, UK
Working with Liz has been the best investment I’ve ever made. She empowered me to discover the deepest parts of myself and work through the things I’ve tried to hide from for years. She helped me develop actionable steps and held me accountable to what I said I want. Liz is right there with me through the ugly and the scary, gently pushing me forward. If you’re ready to dive deep and create lasting change-you need to work with Liz!
Mercedes, San Francisco, USA
You see the world for what it is and people for who they really are. You read between the lines and ask exactly the right questions at exactly the right times to bring those breakthrough moments. I felt like I could be myself in our sessions. I never felt judged. I’ll miss our talks.
Paula, Durham, UK
I found the one to one sessions hugely valuable. Liz helped me understand some of my idiosyncracies, my motivations, and equally the things that turn me off and why. The understanding I have gained has helped me figure out a path in my mind and stopped my internalising thoughts so much and going round in circles. It’s been quite a liberating experience and has laid a solid platform for making positive change. I found the whole process a million miles away from a stereotypical “therapists couch” and got a funny and engaging person who threw down the right questions to get me thinking. Just what I needed.
James, Melbourne, Australia
Working with you has been; full of thinking faces, vulnerability, honesty, truth telling, awkwardness, cringing, crying, swearing, fear, fun, laughter, love, truth, acceptance, protection, unwavering support, kindness and friendship. It’s all of these things that have helped shape me into the person I wanted to be all my life but didn’t know how to be her. I feel free. I feel strong and I feel honoured to have met someone like you. I don’t think I’d be as gentle to myself if it wasn’t for your unflappable ability to just say, “Oi you, let’s crack on, shit is weird but I’m still here”. Money can’t buy that kind of support.
Bernie, London, UK
Liz creates an incredibly safe place to investigate what is going on for you. She asks all the right questions and holds the space for you when it’s getting a bit ugly. You don’t have those breakthrough unless somebody is experienced enough to let you be and process what’s going on for you. She’s the kind of person who’ll help you understand what’s really driving you.
Amy, London, UK
I was using alcohol to numb out when I was feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope. I knew I had developed a bad habit and needed to know why. Liz, you asked the difficult questions that I would never have asked myself. You made it possible for me to see clearly why I was using alcohol. You didn’t let me avoid the truth. As a result I no longer want to drink. I loved your honesty and straightforwardness. I felt able to be completely vulnerable without the fear of being judged or feeling shame.
Helen, Scottish Borders, Scotland
Our sessions made me address my past head on. I’ve realised the only thing holding me back is me and that my beliefs and the reality were not the same. Now I understand myself better I can address these things. At first, our sessions were exhausting, I’ve never thought so much. It was as though someone had turned on a light and I could see what I was doing clearly. You enable people to find their own answers by asking the right questions and prompting when necessary. I love your style, warmth and approach.
Nicky, North Somerset, UK
Your no bullshit approach means there is nowhere to hide, sessions are challenging without being uncomfortable and leave me feeling progress has been made. There’s always a lightbulb moment in every hour that changes things.
James, Cheltenham, UK
By the end of our sessions, I was able to make a big decision, a big change, and I feel like my confidence is back. Before our sessions, I was a little bit low and now I feel like, “OK! Let’s get going!”
Helen, London, UK
I think if you’re sceptical about coaching, all the more reason to do it. When we started coaching, I laid in bed a lot hiding, binge ate, didn’t do any exercise, didn’t really like much about my life, cried a lot. And now, I feel like, I knew this person was in there, because I knew I’d been that person before, but pfff, probably not for like, 10 years. And I know it sounds really cliche, but I feel like I’ve got my life back.
Anna, Surrey, UK
Finding myself at a particularly challenging stage of my life, I was fortunate enough to know exactly who could help me. I’d met Liz years ago through our shared passion for running. Baffled about why I could run a decent marathon while struggling with the rest of life, she was my natural choice of coach. Our Skype sessions have been stimulating, searching, thought-provoking and fun, and I’m going to miss them (or sign up for more, in due course). It’s more about working out the questions than being told answers, but she’s left me better-equipped to deal with the future, and that’s exactly what I needed. And she helped the running, too.
Simon, Oxfordshire, UK
I love your honest and straightforward approach. The odd bit of swearing was really liberating. I love it that I felt you totally believed in me, more than I was believing in myself. It felt so good to have a cheerleader in my corner encouraging me on even when I was doubting myself. Having someone outside of my daily world who was available to listen to me, at times ramble on, about stuff that mattered to me was brilliant. To really feel heard and understood was so valuable. Coaching has helped me to see for myself that I am a really capable human being with a lot to offer the world.
Alison, Stroud, UK
Liz was always able to ask exactly the right questions to get me thinking about issues from a new angle. I was able to make connections I simply couldn’t have without her guidance and support – connections that completely changed my approaches to work, relationships and my future. So now I have this new understanding of myself but also the tools and skills to be able to question myself, stand back and see the connections.
Frances, London, UK
You gave me buckets of confidence. Confidence you can’t buy. And you can’t fake. And as we say in French, you can’t find it under a horse’s shoe. You found it in me, I don’t know how you did but I am grateful. You are some sort of astral system, but I haven’t figured out which type yet!
Ralph, London, UK
During our sessions, I was so at ease with Liz, I could be myself—and now I finally feel like ME after a long time of feeling stuck. I’ve challenged myself to do things that once scared me. I have a different outlook on life and feel positive, and I value myself more. There is still some work to do but feel I have the right tools to get through this. I’ve never been happier!
Cathy, Yorkshire, UK
Because of the work we have done, I feel as if I am in metamorphosis. You’ve given me information, inspiration and I have questioned my life path and who I really am. So thank-you, the work we’ve done has saved me. You have truly helped to change my life, to save my life, to free my real self.
Ange, The Borders, Scotland
Liz Goodchild Life Coaching review
Having come to life coaching not really knowing what to expect, but feeling a bit lost, I can now say it’s one of the most enlightening, empowering and fun things I’ve done. Right away, Liz puts you at ease, and from there the work begins. Throughout my sessions, Liz has helped me challenge my perceptions and see different ways to create small changes, that have a big impact on my day to day life. Things that I’d previously tried to ignore, I now face with more confidence and self awareness. Liz breaks things down into achievable life goals and at the end of each session you feel like you have a bit more control over the chaos of everyday life. New motto: Everybody should have a life coach!
Thea, New York, USA
After a bumpy few years I needed some help to understand why I felt the way I did, why I felt so stuck & trapped and why my career was leaving me so retched day after day. After a few sessions with Liz, and some pretty powerful questions/statements posed, I had clarity and felt a great deal of release from the pressures I had been bringing on myself. With Liz’s help I have been able to take some enormous steps forward that have brought me a sense of relief and helped me along the way with my own personal journey. Liz’s help has been invaluable in getting me to a happier place.
Matt, West Sussex, UK
life coaching client review

After a bumpy few years I needed some help to understand why I felt the way I did, why I felt so stuck & trapped and why my career was leaving me so retched day after day. After a few sessions with Liz, and some pretty powerful questions/statements posed, I had clarity and felt a great deal of release from the pressures I had been bringing on myself. With Liz’s help I have been able to take some enormous steps forward that have brought me a sense of relief and helped me along the way with my own personal journey. Liz’s help has been invaluable in getting me to a happier place.

Sarah, Berkshire, UK
I contacted Liz for some coaching because I had some pretty daunting challenges coming my way and didn’t feel at all equipped to deal with them. Liz really helped me to get to the bottom of the anxiety, helping me to face it head-on. Liz also talked me through two techniques – one for managing the negative self-talk and one for managing my nerves about public speaking. I am still using those tools today! My sessions with Liz have provided me with a platform to grow both personally and professionally. If I become stuck again, I wouldn’t hesitate to book some more sessions.
Jayne, Plymouth, UK
Liz Goodchild Life Coaching review
I started working with Liz as I had a real feeling of being lost, and not knowing where to even start with what was wrong. In just two sessions Liz had helped me to identify and get to the core of some really deep seated issues, and connect them with the way I was feeling right now. Together we put together a clear plan of action and I never looked back. I wouldn’t hesitate to work with Liz again.
Lindsey, Glasgow, Scotland
I had worked hard and carefully only to find that my successes weren’t fulfilling. Liz helped me to identify what my goals really were and why they were important to me. I took a step back from something I thought I wanted and this allowed me to take leaps forward in other areas of my life. Liz has a way of giving clarity and simplicity to situations that I had over-complicated. This helped me resolve them. Onwards and upwards.
Dan, London, UK
I went to see Liz at a time when I felt that I couldn’t enjoy the present, and was focused on searching for a relationship that continually seemed to elude me. I felt that I couldn’t get what I wanted, and was stuck in a cycle of negativity. Liz helped me realise that I needed to put down the ‘pressure bomb’ I was carrying around, and really think about what it was I was looking for. After three sessions, I felt more grounded, present and able to let go of the fear that was holding me back.
Sarah, London, UK
testimonial life coaching Liz Goodchild
I had been looking at Liz’s website and blog for quite a while before I plucked up the courage to contact her. I had gotten to the point where I was boring myself with my grumbles about work and life and finally decided only I could do something about it. From my first session with Liz, I felt more empowered and focused and quickly started to see how I was ‘putting up barriers’ to my own success. Fast forward to today, I now have a job that I love, am happy with me and I don’t apologise for who I am and what I do. It’s also great to know that if I ever need a reality check, a gentle kick or a ‘yeah go girl’, Liz is around.
Amanda, Worcestershire, UK
Liz is so easy to talk to. She really helped me face a lot of things that were holding me back and got me to ask myself the questions I needed to answer. I now have a more firm understanding of what makes me happy and how I get there. I feel excited and re energised for life. Look out world!
Rehanon, Brighton, UK
I feel like such a different person from the exhausted, stuck person I was way back at the start of my sessions with you.
Jo, Huddersfield, UK
Liz has a super personality and empathy and the ability to help you look at situations in a completely different viewpoint, I would highly recommend Liz’s coaching.
Gill, London, UK
Liz is an exceptional coach and has been fantastic to work with. Her energy, warmth, and insightfulness has helped me find more clarity through a challenging time. Liz has helped me view things in a different way so that I could consider other possibilities. I felt heard, supported, and understood and under her enthusiastic guidance came away from each session with more confidence going forward and tools to achieve my goals. I would recommend her without hesitation to anyone looking for a motivating, top-notch life coach.
Janys, Hampton, UK
I first contacted Liz when I felt lost, uncertain, low and slightly despairing of where my life was heading. Having no real idea of what life coaching was, I felt very at ease talking to Liz and could be totally open with her. Throughout my sessions, Liz has helped me to increase in self confidence, gain a different perception on life and make real progress in setting and achieving goals. Liz does not judge you and is incredibly positive, supportive, chilled out and patient. She will go the ‘extra mile for you’ and is genuinely interested in helping people. I always feel inspired and full of confidence after our sessions and feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know and to work with Liz.
Stephanie, London, UK
Change feels much scarier and far more daunting when you are alone with it, so it’s brilliant to have Liz alongside you throughout the project asking questions, listening, giving insights and the occasional well timed kick up the bum! It’s also a lot of fun. I enjoyed having the time and space to really dig deep into things and start to take action. I liked how our sessions could move between light-hearted and funny to very serious and deep in a matter of minutes, much like life itself. Whether there is something very specific in your life that you want to work on or just a general feeling of wanting to change things but not knowing where to start and feeling a bit at sea with it all, I would definitely recommend the Not Another New Year’s Resolution Project.
Natasha, East Sussex, UK
I’ve found life coaching really interesting and it’s been a great opportunity to take some time out to think about meaning, motivation and what we actually want out of life, instead of being busy doing things we might not want to do. I’d recommend coaching to anyone who is feeling a bit unsettled but isn’t sure why, as I am now enthusiastic about approaching the future with a renewed outlook!
Clare, Northamptonshire, UK
I was not happy with my life. Once upon a time I was a very ambitious girl with dreams and loads of determination to accomplish them but somewhere along the way I had lost them. I had become ’stuck’ in a life I did not like, feeling unaccomplished and living passively. I turned to Liz for life coaching because I did not know where to start or how to get ’unstuck.’ Liz’ sessions offered a neutral and safe environment where I was able to explore and talk about my issues. Together we began to uncover the reasons why I had felt so ’lost.’ Just one (of many) things she helped me realize was that I am far too hard on myself and this created so much unnecessary suffering. Liz gently encouraged me to start small and make changes in my life that I could stick too. Liz is genuinely interested in helping her clients stop living a mediocre life and recreate the life they always wanted. It is certainly hard work but, in my opinion, it is well worth it.
Alisa, London, UK
Since coaching with you, I’ve realised I want to be more honest with myself so I can identify what I do really want to change and what I am actual content with in life, rather than telling myself stories that things would be better/easier if this happened or that happened or that the only way to make the changes that I want is to win the lottery! Thank you so much, Liz. It’s been brilliant.
Claire, London, UK
Group Coaching via Skype
Your comment ‘There’s no power in waiting’ has made me make changes which I’ve been talking about for years but left the decision to change, and ultimately the power, in someone else’s hands. It felt good! What will I now do differently? Stop making excuses and wasting time waiting! To quote Axl Rose, “Get in the ring mutha-fucker!” Thank you Liz! I’ll recommend coaching to everyone!
Wendy, Manchester, UK
I’ve shifted from someone who couldn’t see beyond what I thought I “should” be. I’d previously shied away from thinking about what I wanted my life to look like: it felt dangerous and like a luxury I couldn’t afford. It also felt much safer to simply stay focused on the path I’m on, rather than dare to dream about what I may want. Your calls have given me a firm kick up the arse to realise that life is short and I want more. I want to be happy, and I want to have fulfilment and meaning in my life. Going through a process to realise not only what that is, but what it may look like a year on, is both revolutionary to me and hugely powerful. I’m already taking steps (frikkin scary steps but exciting ones nonetheless) towards what I now know I want more of in my life, and I feel lighter and more in power and exhilarated by that. I cannot thank you enough for giving me the nudges and dragging me through the discomfort to land in a place where there’s light and excitement about life.
Lisa, London, UK
I’ve realised that I’ve held myself back because of ‘stories’ I’ve told myself that I used to believe were true. I used to carry them round all day long and use them as an excuse not to try. Now I know that these beliefs are bullshit I have opened up endless opportunities and I am SO excited about what the future will bring…..or more importantly what I can bring to my future.
Autumn, Yorkshire, UK
Coaching has helped to lift the mist that was clouding my thoughts. Liz is great at helping you to unlock your mind and move forwards – the solution was staring me in the face but I was frozen by my own fears and confusion. Coaching has made me see how I have been holding myself back.
Louisa, London, UK
I discovered Liz at a point in my life where fear was crippling and stifling me. Working with Liz was an eye-opener and a life changer for me. I’m not sure what I was expecting, having never experienced any kind of coaching before but she blew me away. Straight talking. Painfully honest. Empathetic. Open. Trustworthy. Wise. She provided a safe space for me to really look deep inside myself. Liz doesn’t have all the answers, what she does have and shares are tools to ask your own questions and find your own solutions. She isn’t here to save us, but helps us grow to be able to save ourselves. I can’t recommend Liz highly enough. Her support is second to none.
Daisy, Telford, UK
Image of a client who enjoyed the life coaching workshop london
After attending Liz’s workshop, I felt as if the walls around me had collapsed. I felt fully free and able to release my fears that had been holding me back from being, well, me! I suffer from anxiety and have an extreme fear of public speaking. Even sharing this fear with the group was challenging for me. However, without sounding cheesy, I really felt like a different person when I left that day. The tools that we learned, combined with Liz’s teachings really made an impact to change my perspective and teach me that I can easily shake off this irrational fear. What really made the workshop for me was Liz’s raw passion and fire-starting motivation. Alongside her straight talking, no bullshit approach, Liz really is the best life coach I’ve come across in a long time. I would highly recommend this workshop if you too have a fear you need to release or if you even just have no clue what the heck to do with your life. You’ll leave with clarity, peace of mind and ready to go get your dreams.
Kirsten, London, UK
Image of a client who reviewed the life coaching workshop london
I was just emerging from a difficult 18 months which had seen enormous change in my life, and was struggling to start living and moving forward again. I thought Liz would help me to do that; what she actually did was teach me how to do it for myself. She showed me how to recognise, and let go of, the excuses I was making and the victim role I was desperately clinging onto. She encouraged me to look at what I want to achieve, and identify what was stopping me from getting there (spoiler alert: the answer was “me”). Liz is a real no-bullshit person, but she’s also compassionate and intuitive. I would recommend Liz’s coaching without hesitation.
Pauline, Scotland
Liz is so easy to talk to. She really helped me face a lot of things that were holding me back and got me to ask myself the questions I needed to answer. I now have a more firm understanding of what makes me happy and how I get there. I feel excited and re energised for life. Look out world!
Rehanon, Brighton, UK
I feel like such a different person from the exhausted, stuck person I was way back at the start of my sessions with you.
Jo, Huddersfield, UK
Liz has a super personality and empathy and the ability to help you look at situations in a completely different viewpoint, I would highly recommend Liz’s coaching.
Gill, London, UK
Liz is an exceptional coach and has been fantastic to work with. Her energy, warmth, and insightfulness has helped me find more clarity through a challenging time. Liz has helped me view things in a different way so that I could consider other possibilities. I felt heard, supported, and understood and under her enthusiastic guidance came away from each session with more confidence going forward and tools to achieve my goals. I would recommend her without hesitation to anyone looking for a motivating, top-notch life coach.
Janys, Hampton, London, UK

Since coaching with you, I’ve realised I want to be more honest with myself so I can identify what I do really want to change and what I am actual content with in life, rather than telling myself stories that things would be better/easier if this happened or that happened or that the only way to make the changes that I want is to win the lottery! Thank you so much, Liz. It’s been brilliant.

Claire, London

Your comment ‘There’s no power in waiting’ has made me make changes which I’ve been talking about for years but left the decision to change, and ultimately the power, in someone else’s hands. It felt good! What will I now do differently? Stop making excuses and wasting time waiting! To quote Axl Rose, “Get in the ring mutha-fucker!” Thank you Liz! I’ll recommend coaching to everyone!

Wendy, Manchester, UK

Coaching has helped to lift the mist that was clouding my thoughts. Liz is great at helping you to unlock your mind and move forwards – the solution was staring me in the face but I was frozen by my own fears and confusion. Coaching has made me see how I have been holding myself back.

Louisa, London, UK

I’ve realised that I’ve held myself back because of ‘stories’ I’ve told myself that I used to believe were true.  I used to carry them round all day long and use them as an excuse not to try.  Now I know that these beliefs are bullshit I have opened up endless opportunities and I am SO excited about what the future will bring…..or more importantly what I can bring to my future.

Autumn, Yorkshire, UK