“Live each day as if it’s your last.”
It’s really fucking stupid advice if you ask me.
Want to know what I’d do if I knew today was my last day on earth?
I’d hug my kid. I’d declare my undying love for my partner. I’d call my friends and tell them how much they mean to me. I’d spend time with my family and look into their eyes and we’d warmly recount old stories while flicking through photo albums and letting go of all of our past pain.
Actually, I wouldn’t do any of that. I’d probably do a shit load of drugs or something. I’d get so off my face I wouldn’t even remember it was my last day alive on earth and I’d go out smiling and doing the peace sign as I slip slowly into a state of total tranquility, like I am being simultaneously cradled gently by The Universe and massaged by the tiny hooves of awesome rainbow unicorns.
On a daily basis, and while I am still fully alive (hopefully for many, many more years), this is no way at all to live life is it?
I mean, seriously, if I lived each day doing shit loads of drugs? No, just no.
I was talking about ‘living each day as if it’s your last’ with a client a few weeks ago. During our discussion, she mistakenly said “living your life as if it’s your last’ which I actually prefer.
“Live your life as if it’s your last.”
Sounds much better, right?
Because this life of yours that you’re living right now? IS your last*.
You won’t get another. It’s a fact.
Here’s another fact: You will spend most of your life pissing time right up the wall like time will never end. You, (and when I say ‘you’, I also mean ‘me’), will waste hours, days, months and years doing shit you don’t want to be doing. You will also spend hours, days, months and years not doing the shit you actually want to be doing. Tick tock. This is your life. Just the one. You won’t get another. Every moment of time you waste is a moment you will never get back.
Over and out.
*Unless you’re into past lives and ghosts and stuff. Which is awesome. Email me. You’re my kind of person for sure.
p.s: In the next few days, I’ll be opening up coaching slots for May. If you don’t know why you’re spinning your wheels at work, rolling your eyes at the whole wide world, or wanting to bang your head against the nearest wall—I can help you. (There’s a lot of big-hearted, no-nonsense guidance included. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.) Book yourself in for a free introductory call here via Skype. (This session will give you a taste of what coaching is like with me and help us make sure we’re a good fit.