I was recently emailing back and forth with my friend, Josie. Amongst lots of other wonderful things about Josie, she is an actress.
I don’t know much about the acting world, but I do know that it’s competitive and hard-going, and that it involves lots of auditions and not getting them.
I can’t imagine how frustrating and deflating it can be, to get the “Sorry, it’s a no” call, when you’ve put everything you’ve got—heart and soul and talent and LOVE—into it.
Josie talked about this in our back and forth emails, “I’m trying to keep to my rule of 5 emails or letters a week to theatre companies and casting directors and the like, it makes me feel like I’m taking action and keeps me in the loop of what’s going on out there, even if the rate of response is minimal – sometimes it does work!”
“Even if the response rate is minimal.”
“Sometimes it does work.”
For most people, I imagine they’d give up. Throw in the towel. Resign themselves to the fact that it’s just not working.
I’ve given up myself. Many times. I look back at the cello lessons and the wind surfing and the various ‘How To’ books I’ve bought over the years, and I wonder, what if I hadn’t given up so quickly? What if I’d had the patience to keep on going, even when it got boring and frustrating and my interest wore thin.
What if I’d been a little more like Josie?
What if I’d taken action every day? Would I now be able to play the cello really well? Would I be spending my summers wind surfing on the nearby lake?
I don’t know.
But what I do know is this: Taking action feels a whole lot better than doing nothing at all.
ps: As the year draws to a close, and I excitedly start to plan for 2016, I’ll soon be opening up spaces for my next online Group Coaching course, starting in February 2016. If you have that aching feeling in your gut that you want to do something with your life—and that goddamm clock is ticking and ticking and ticking—but you go around and around, not sure about what to do, this course is for you. No matter where in the world you are. If you want to be first in line to find out more, click here.
Here’s to an extraordinary 2016 and taking action. Here’s to being a little more like Josie.