Let’s just cut-to-the-chase here: Jacki Carr is probably one of my favourite people on the Internet. I don’t know what it is about her, but she just exudes an energy that is super-cool-edgy and soulful and powerful and girl-next-door, all at the same time. Through her writing and tweets and Instagram photos, she always inspires me to do the work, to dig that little bit deeper and well, just be more ‘me’, you know?
Jacki is a coach, writer, speaker and the co-founder of an amazing company called Rock Your Bliss, a yoga and goals movement inspiring and empowering others to live the life they want to. You should check it out.
All in all, Jacki really is up to incredible things, powered by her love of people getting possible, hiking, rocking out to 80s music and real conversations. Like, REALLY, REALLY REAL. Check out this blog post. See what I’m saying?
I was so excited to interview Jacki, and when I say excited, I really mean SHIT SCARED, because, well, I really admire her. But, as you probably know by now, when I’m scared I just lean in, because 99% of the time, it’s where the heart-affirming good stuff is.
And interviewing Jacki was one of those times.
In my audio interview with Jacki, here’s what we talk about:
1. How working for lululemon athletica (the company I also work for) created a foundation for her to leap towards her passion.
2. What living our ‘best life’ looks like and the reasons why some people choose not to.
3. The power of goal setting, the actual nitty gritty of setting goals, and why goals are not always meant to be reached.
4. How having a 10 year vision and getting clear on her core values helped Jacki to know exactly what lights her up and who she is.
5. How Jacki’s coaching practice really started to integrate and go deeper when she took them to the yoga mat.
6. How starting something new requires vulnerability and courage, and what exactly that means for Jacki when she begins a new venture.
7. How to keep yourself accountable when you decide to do something or set yourself a goal.
8. Taking yourself on a date: How this helps to get to know yourself better and stand on your own two feet. For Jacki, this basically meant going on solo-trips to the cinema, surrounded by senior citizens…
9. The art of listening, and how most of us really aren’t listening at all, even when we think we are.
10. What makes Jacki come alive, what she’s learnt about herself in the last year, and what she likes most about herself.
11. How it’s totally ok to not rock all of your goals, because if you are, they’re probably not big enough.
Links to things we discussed in the interview:
The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown.
Danielle LaPorte’s Firestarter Sessions and The Desire Map.
The Trauma of Everyday Life by Dr Mark Epstein.
ps: If you liked this interview, you might like these, too:
An audio interview with Susie Chan
An audio interview with Laura Fountain, aka Lazy Girl Running