For most of you, Laura needs no introduction. She’s the voice behind the popular running blog, – as well as her book, The Lazy Runner – and a journalist, specialising in women’s health.
Laura is also a very close friend to me, and the co-founder of our business, Write This Run. I wanted to interview Laura because she always inspires me to go after what I want in life, and I learn so much from her. Whether it’s signing up for an Ironman while still not being able to swim very well, having her book published (and having the passion and balls to step way out of her comfort zone in doing so), or pushing for a good-for-age marathon place, she’s a definite just-get-on-with-it kind of gal.
In my audio interview with Laura, here’s what we talk about:
1. Laura’s recent Ironman Bolton race, the reason why she decided to run her own ironman distance two weeks later, and what she learnt about herself, and those around her, in doing so.
2. Laura’s advice on how to deal with race anxiety – by harnessing emotional energy – and how to cope with epic meltdowns prior to, and during a race.
3. Learn what Laura’s main motivation is for racing.
4. How Laura works towards a long-term goal, such as a race an entire year away, while remaining flexible and prepared for change and life hiccups along the way.
5. How setting a goal doesn’t need to feel structured, rigid or like it holds us to ransom, and how Laura realised this through learning to swim.
6. Enjoyment: Learn how Laura uses this as gauge to determine what she does in exercise and life, and how this is even more important than motivation.
7. Try: How she applies the logic of ‘trying’ new things to everything she does, and how she learnt this through her days as a beginner runner.
8. “What’s the worst that could happen?” How Laura uses this way of thinking when she’s uncertain about something, and how it helps to propel her forwards.
9. How Laura went from being an unknown blogger to a published author of a book (as well as having another in the pipeline).
10. “Nobody is going to knock on your door and say, ‘Hey, do you want to write a book?” If you want to write a book, Laura talks about how she made this happen and what she did to make herself more appealing to prospective publishers.
11. Learn how Laura copes when moving outside of her comfort zone, stepping up to go after what she wants and the mental discipline required to do so.
12. Laura’s advice on how to make something happen, starting with the first step to take.
* Here are the two quotes I referenced in the interview:
Bruce Lee: “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”
Charles Bukowski: “What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.”